
急な用事や出張、又旅行、病気やケガ、入院・・・etc.、飼い主さんがお留守やお出かけの時、 住み慣れたおうちでお留守番をしたいペット達のためにペットシッターを利用してみませんか?













私たちの耳慣れた言葉にベビーシッターという仕事があります。これは、ご存知のように、ご家族に代わってお子さんの世話をする仕事で、アメリカでは高校生のアルバイトから始まり、ベビーシッターを本職とする人もあります。 当然、大切な子供の世話を依頼するのですから、身元の確かな信頼できるベビーシッターが求められます。
ベビーシッターが人間のお子さんをお世話する仕事に対して、ペットシッターはペットのお世話をする。これがペットシッターです。 相手がペットであってもご家族に取って大切な存在です。残念ながら日本でのペットの地位はまだ低くペット先進国の欧米に比べると誇れるものではありませんが、ペットを取り巻く生活環境の中にオーナー(飼い主、ご家族)に信頼されるペットシッターの存在は必要不可欠となっていくことでしょう。
ペットと言えば、何年か前までは、犬、猫、鳥、金魚、亀、ウサギ等が定番として飼育されていました。しかし、生活様式の変化と同じように、又、それ以上に日本のペット事情は変化してきました。少子化、核家族化、又、隣人とのかかわりの減少等がペットの生活に影響を与えているとも考えられています。多様化するペットの存在はともすれば人間の自己満足の表れの一つとも言われますが、オーナーにとっては大切な家族の一員であり、友人であり恋人でもあるのです。ただ単に食事を与え、水を替え、掃除をするだけなら誰でもできる仕事です。それぞれのペットたちが置かれた生活空間を良く理解し、愛情を持ってお世話をし、 気を配り、必要であればオーナーに適切なアドバイスができる、ペットにもオーナーにも信頼される存在でなければなりません。




  • 1日1回~2回、ペットシッターがご自宅にお伺いして食事、トイレ掃除などいつもと同じお世話をオーナー様に代わってさせて頂きます。 (1回 30分と45分)
  • ワンちゃんは室内犬のみとさせて頂きます。(散歩なし)
  • コミュニケーションコースと見守りコース(猫ちゃんのみ)の2パターンを御用意しております。


1回の滞在時間45分、食事、トイレのお世話、ブラッシングなどをした後、 その後、ワンちゃんや猫ちゃんと遊びます。


猫ちゃんのみで、猫ちゃんが飼い主にしか懐いていない、高齢で寝ているとか、あまり遊ばない猫ちゃんを対象にしたコースで、 1回の滞在時間30分、食事トイレの世話の後、猫ちゃんの様子を見守り、猫ちゃんの状態によっては少し遊びます。



  • お留守中にペットちゃん達に変化があり動物病院に行かなくてはならない場合でも、速やかにご主人様と御連絡を取り、対応させて頂きます。(後日、動物病院の治療費と病院までの交通費と追加料金を頂きます)
  • ご主人様がお留守中に急な変更があり、帰宅変更などがあった場合でも柔軟に対応出来ますのでペット達に負担をかける事もありません。
  • 基本的には滞在時間は決まっておりますが、ペット達の状況により心配な場合は決まった時間以上の滞在をする場合もありますので御了承下さい。
  • 庭木草花の水やりや金魚のエサやりはサービスで行っておりますので、ご遠慮なくおっしゃって下さい。


基本料金(税込価格)≪食事 お水交換 トイレ掃除 散歩≫

種類 1日1回 1日2回 コース名
2500円 4000円 見守りコース
3000円 5000円 コミュニケーションコース
-- 4500円 見守り・コミュニケーションコース
小型犬 3000円 5000円 コミュニケーションコース
小動物 2500円 4000円 見守りコース

 (12/20~1/15 ・ 4/25~5/10 ・ 7/20~9/25)














① 氏名又は名称 浅原けい子
② 事業所の名称 ペットシッター・雅
③ 事業所の所在地 東京都港区赤坂6-10-39-607
④ 第一種動物取扱業の種別 保管
⑤ 登録番号 14東京都保第4415号
⑥ 登録年月日 令和元年8月7日
⑦ 有効期間の末日 令和6年8月6日
⑧ 動物取扱責任者 浅原けい子



Service contents

Once or twice per Day, Pet sitter will visit your house on your behalf and take care same as usual for your pet care.

  • The time of pet care are 45min or 30min per one visiting
  • All type of cats or small/indoor dogs are only acceptable.
  • Looking Over Course is for special cats only.

1.Communication Course

All type of cats or small/indoor dogs are only acceptable.
- 45 min staying per a visit
- Food preparation and/or feeding, Water replacement, Cleaning Toilet, Bussing, and playing with your lovely pets for a while.
- Including "Pet sitter's Diary" and photos at every visit.
I will write some notes down and be taken photos to let you know their appearance at every visit. I will send them by email. I will show you some sample when we have a pre-meeting.

2.Looking Over Course

This course is only for cats which has special condition, such as sleeping by old age or dislike playing with people or is only fond of the owner.
- 30 min staying per a visit
-Food preparation and/or feeding, Water replacement, Cleaning Toilet, Looking over a while, and occasionally playing with your lovely pets by their condition.
- Including "Pet sitter's Report" and photos at every visit.
I will write some report down and be taken photos to let you know their appearance at every visit. I will send them by email. I will show you some sample when we have a pre-meeting.

3.Combination plan *Cats only

In the case of cats, we can make arrangement to combine Communication course and Looking over course.
For example, if your pets are fond of playing in the morning but are mostly sleeping in the evening, we can do twice a day as Communication course in the morning and Looking over course in the evening.

Special offer

  • Extra service
    Free of charge for watering garden and plant or feeding to goldfish.
  • Emergency Support
    During our visiting time, when we see the condition of your pets become sick or some emergency, we will keep in touch with you and immediately be able to take them to the vets.
    *Treatment fee at vets and transportation fee of pet sitter will be charged.
  • Flexible date and time
    When you need to change the schedule, I will make the re-arrangement to respond your requests. I will always take care of your pet, so your pets has no stress. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
    *Additional fee may apply.
  • Extend stay
    The time of pet care is basically fixed. However, I will be stay longer if the condition of your pets is not so well.


The time of pet care are 45min for Communication Course or 30min for Looking Over Course per one visiting.
Basic fee is included tax.

Dogs is for one small dog.
Cats is for one or two or up to three.
Small animals is by 1 cage.
For more, please let me know to consult.
Long term discount may be applied.

Type Once/Day Twice/Day Course
Cats 30min ¥2500 ¥4000 Looking Over Course
Cats 45min ¥3000 ¥5000 Communication Course
Cats 30&45 -- ¥4500 Looking Over Course
Communication Course
Small Dogs ¥3000 ¥5000 Communication Course
Small Animals ¥2300 ¥4000 Looking Over Course

# Seasonal fee
Extra fee will be charged plus ¥200 per visit for the following busy season.
- 20th December to 15th January
- 25th April to 10th May
- 20th July to 25th September
# Coverage Area
Transportation fee will be charged except the following coverage areas.
- Tokyo, Minato-ku, Akasaka 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-Chome.
- Tokyo, Minato-ku, moto-akasaka 1-Chome.
- Tokyo, Minato-ku, Roppongi 2 or 4-Chome.
# Consultation for prepare
Prior arrangement is very important in order to let me to take care of your pet with your peace of mind. Please send me email to have a pre-meeting as early as possible when you find out the schedule for your requests.
# Pre-Meetings are free of charge.
Please feel free to contact me for any questions or advices.
# Privacy Policy
Your personal information or details will be observed confidential.

I need to keep your house key when I do pet sitting. You might feel uncomfortable or concern for it. I totally understand how you feel. So you can cancel your request after the meeting. When you are comfortable to ask me to take care of your pet with your confident, then please ask me to do pet sitter job.

Service flow

1.Make a reservation call or send email

(Please contact us, when you decide preferred date.)
Holiday travel, business trip, hospitalization, work etc... when you find the schedule to be needed for pet sitting, please contact us either phone call or email.

I arrange the date of meeting for prior arrangement.
I also meet your pet with you at that time.

I'm afraid but I won't accept your request without this meeting. It is very important to get a confidence for both you and me. It will be the first step in communicating with your pet. I will appreciate for your understanding.

2.Have a meeting for prior arrangement and meet up with your pet.

Please let me know about your pet, Their daily life with you, The amount of food, How to clean the toilet, The usual dog walk trail, The way of brushing, Health condition etc. I ask for more details.

If you are happy with the meeting, then please fill out the application form. Please pay the fee, I give a receipt. Then I borrow your house keys and I also give a temporary receipt of your key to you..

3.On the day that I take care of pets

I visit to your house to take care of your pet as prior meeting.
I will check their appetite and health of the defecation / urination. I will do brushing. And pet and I play with their toys.

After the pet sitting is finished, I will write and send email to let you know how your pet condition is or what I have done.

4.Return the key

I will visit to your house to return the key on the day that had scheduled. At the same time, please return the temporary receipt of your key that I give.


I live in Akasaka, Tokyo almost 30 years. Pet sitter requests from foreigner are very often in this area.

My English is very poor. But my sister is married to the American and lives in the State of Maryland in the United States. Thanks to it, I think I'm very good the communication skills.

My parents love animals very much.
I grew up with many kind of pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits and birds since childhood.

Many of my pet was longevity. So they gave me great happiness.
But at the same time, nursing care of old dogs and cats gave me a very sad and feel lonely. And plenty of tears flowed on my cheeks.

In addition, I have been taking care of the stray cat more than a decade.
For now, I would like to support to take care of your pet with my knowledge that I learnt throughout my various experiences


ペットシッター・ 雅(みやび) 浅原けい子

Phone 090-2672-6011
E-mail  sala-gakuya@kuh.biglobe.ne.jp